


For CEOs, Directors or Heads of Department
For Managers, Supervisors or Rising Stars
For frontline team members
£15 per person, per month
£10 per person, per month
£3 per person, per month
Unique app subdomain ensuring the highest level of data security
Video onboarding support
Mobile optimised, real-time 1-3-5® OKR performance dials
Guaranteed 99.99% uptime
Quarterly Customer Success Checkins
Award-winning personalised 1-3-5® OKR support and guidance during onboarding
Printable and shareable 1-3-5® plans
Unlimited 1-3-5® Plans/OKR goal setting framework
Private/personal 1-3-5® Plans
Set and cascade OKRs from a senior level to teams and individuals
Dedicated Account Manager
Additional business coaching at senior level
Full Team Overview Dashboard. Visibility of all 1-3-5® plans in your business, teams and individuals
Full visibility of all upcoming and completed business Milestones, at a team and/or individual level, in Calendar view
Out of hours emergency support
Support SLA
8 am till 6 pm, Monday to Friday. Response guaranteed within 4 hours.
8 am till 6 pm, Monday to Friday. Response guaranteed within 6 hours.
8am till 6pm, Monday to Friday. Response guaranteed within 8 hours.

* You cannot sign up to Lite only, this level of access requires at least one Premium subscription.
All prices are exclusive of VAT.

Here is an example of how our dynamic pricing works

For a business turning over £10 million or more annually, with approximately 60 team members, structured in a traditional top-down organisational hierarchy, their subscription model could look something like this:

  • 1 CEO + 4 Directors = 5 Premium subscriptions
  • 12 Managers = 12 Standard subscriptions
  • 43 Frontline team members = 43 Lite subscriptions

The monthly investment is just £324 for their entire business.

Common questions

Do you offer yearly contracts/plans?
Overall we are contract-free, meaning you can cancel anytime. If you would rather pay annually and are happy to pay for a year upfront (optional), you'll receive 2 months free of charge and only pay for 10 months.
What payment methods do you accept?
If you choose to pay monthly, the payment is taken from your company credit card using Stripe. If you pay a year upfront, we can send you a one-off invoice payable by either credit card or debit card.
Do you have a set up cost?
Our 1-3-5® OKR Software is completely cloud-based and so there are no set-up costs. All new customers are given a unique app subdomain to ensure the highest level of data security and the cost of this is included in the monthly subscription price.
Anything special for non-profits?
Yes! We offer a 15% discount to any charitable or non-profit organisations. Contact us for further details.
Once a new customer comes on board, what timescales can they expect for full implementation?
We are a lean, agile team that can move as fast as required. A full implementation usually takes between 3 to 6 weeks, depending on how many individuals will be using Reclaro and their current OKR journey progress. We’re a compact, high-performance team that can respond swiftly to meet customer needs.
Can I add or remove users month to month?
Yes, you have complete flexibility to add or remove users and change user subscription level from month to month. Your monthly payment will change automatically to reflect any user changes you make.
Will Reclaro® work on my phone?
Absolutely. Reclaro® is fully responsive with all mobile devices, displaying consistent information across all so everything can be viewed and updated on the move.
Can I share my plan with my chairperson or mentor?
Yes, you can quickly and easily share your plan with whomever you want via the share button within the app. A unique link grants plan access to whomever you share the link with. For confidentiality over time, this link expires after four weeks.
Is onboarding included?
Yes. Standard onboarding is included and available to everyone within the software tool in the form of short explainer videos to ensure users can set up their 1-3-5® plans successfully. We also offer premium onboarding which consists of 4 x live coaching sessions with our Founder, CEO and award-winning business coach, Pete Wilkinson, which incurs an additional charge. Such additional support during onboarding is provided via Zoom or an alternative video conferencing tool if preferred.
Do you have a minimum number of users per customer?
Customers are required to have at least one Premium user to experience the full benefit Reclaro provides. From then on, they can choose how many users they have and at which subscription level they use Reclaro. Most of our customers have at least 30 users allowing them to effectively cascade their OKRs throughout all teams in the business and get everyone perfectly aligned.
Can I see all of the plans in my business together?
As a Premium user (CEO, MD or Director level user), you will have access to the Reclaro Team Overview Dashboard, which instantly displays the live performance dials of every single 1-3-5® plan in your business. This dashboard updates in real-time and is available on the move.

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